Don Young Port of Alaska in Anchorage
Don Young Port of Alaska in Anchorage

Safety and Security

Port Safety

The ultimate goal of the Safety and Health Program at the Port of Alaska is, and shall remain, the total elimination and prevention of all occupational mishaps, injuries, illnesses, near misses, and exposures to hazardous conditions.

The Port of Alaska Maintenance and Safety Program could never be carried out without protecting the health and safety of those tasked with accomplishing that mission. Although the work done by the Port of Alaska Maintenance personnel is inherently dangerous, it is the responsibility of the Port of Alaska staff and management to identify the dangers and provide the safest possible working conditions for its members. The Port of Alaska is committed to this and has established a safety and health program that identifies risks, provides training, establishes Policies, Procedures, and Instructions, and provides for periodic review to ensure the safety and health of the members.

Active participation at all levels is necessary to accomplish the goals of the safety program. All Municipality Of Anchorage employees must comply with all aspects of the program to minimize risk and therefore establishing a safe and healthy working environment for all.

Port Security

The Port of Alaska maintains the highest level of security without disrupting cargo or personnel flow. All persons entering the port must have a government issued photo ID and be prepared to pass through a security screening facility. Port employees or stakeholder employees working on Port grounds must undergo a security training session, receive Port of Alaska proximity access card, and secure a Transportation Worker Identity Card (TWIC).

Security at maritime facilities around the nation have grown increasingly stringent and the Port of Alaska is no exception to that trend. In 2004, Congress passed the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MSTA) which set very specific security standards which the port fully complies with. As part of MSTA, the Port created a security plan that was approved by the Captain of the Port and implemented in August, 2006.

Currently, the Port of Alaska contracts with Denali Universal Services to provide 24/7 security 365 days a year. With more than 20 armed officers staffed at the Port, a closed circuit television system, and effective screening methods, our security services are stringent and effective. The Department of Homeland Security had identified the Port as regionally significant and designated it as a second tier port facility. This designation allows the port to receive a base level of annual grant funding to support upgraded operations.

For more information contact (907) 343-6200 or