Don Young Port of Alaska in Anchorage
Don Young Port of Alaska in Anchorage

340 barrels of jet fuel spills into secondary containment area at the Port of Anchorage

Published: November 21, 2017

By Sean Maguire

An estimated 340 barrels of jet fuel spilled into a secondary containment area late Saturday at the ocean dock at the Port of Anchorage.

The containment system is believed to prevent a far worse scenario: the 18,000-plus gallons of fuel spilling into icy Cook Inlet, where a cleanup would have been far more difficult if not impossible.

With the system in place, already, fifteen thousand gallons of oil and water mixture has been recovered.

Candice Barber, a spokesperson for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, says the terminal is located "approximately 560 feet from the waters of Cook Inlet."

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